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Macquarie Legal offers consultation by phone, video or in person


07 3012 8828


Personal Injury Lawyer

"It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it."


Joseph Joubert

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I know if I have the right circumstances to make a claim?


Macquarie Legal are experienced solicitors trained in the processes involved in personal injury and litigation actions. As such we are able to sift through the information and material to assess your rights. If you believe you may be entitled to make a claim, simply contact us at your first opportunity. Please remember that time limits apply.


Do any time limits apply in relation to the claim?


As a general rule, time limits apply in all matters. The effect of failing to comply with a time limit depends on the type of claim. As these effects range from losing your legal rights to a claim to lesser penalties, it is essential that you obtain advice from Macquarie Legal at the first possible opportunity.


What should I do before meeting with Macquarie Legal?


In order to save you time and money, prepare to be candid and upfront. You are protected under solicitor-client privilege. Do your homework. Prepare any documentation or information that relate to your legal matter before your meeting. Make sure you know where the office is and arrive a few minutes before your scheduled appointment.


How long will a claim take?


Although the timeframes involved in any claim will vary depending on the individual circumstances of the claim, the rules by which they are run are able to provide a reasonable guide to the likely steps that will need to be taken and a rough guide of the timeframe. To get an idea of the likely timeframes involved in your matter, simply contact us.


Do I have to go to court?


Ninety per cent of matters are resolved prior to a trial through negotiations, conferences or mediation. Some matters are not as complex as they may first appear and obtaining the advice of an experienced litigation lawyer may take the stress out of the situation. The sooner you obtain advice from Macquarie Legal, the sooner you can resolve your matter.


How much will it cost?


Our fee structures vary by the case.





What does No Win No Fee mean?


We offer No Win No Fee representation in most injury matters generally including peronal injury and total & permanent disability claims.





What can I expect when I commence my action?


Every case is different but the rules by which they are run are reasonably similar.





Why should I engage a lawyer?


Macquarie Legal have specific knowledge of the legislation governing personal injury and litigation claims. We are experienced in all aspects of the claims process and can advise on the best way for you to achieve a result. As you would be aware, it is far easier to build from the foundations up and therefore the sooner you contact us, the sooner we can start building your claim.

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