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Nervous Shock Injuries


Nervous Shock is a psychological injury resulting from a particular incident.


Nervous shock may manifest as many psychological conditions including depression, anxiety disorders or post-traumatic stress disorders.


The condition generally arises in circumstances of extreme emotional or psychological distress and is most commonly linked to traumatic accidents causing death, motor vehicle or workplace accidents or the death of a relative. The injury may arise even if the person was not directly involved in the incident and may be caused by the news of the event.


The circumstances giving rise to such a claim may vary greatly. If you feel you or someone you know may have suffered in this way, contact your personal injury lawyer at Macquarie Legal to discuss how we may be able to assist you.


Is there a Time Limit to Make a Claim?


Time limits do apply, depending on your age and situation. In the event that the time limits are not followed, you can be barred from bringing a claim.


It is recommended that you seek legal advice with respect to these matters as soon as possible.


  • A Notice of Claim form must be lodged with the relevant party within the earlier of one (1) month from consulting a lawyer or nine (9) months from the date of the accident.

  • If you have not lodged your claim within 3 years from the date you first became aware of your injury, (generally this is the date of accident) you may be legally barred from pursuing a claim.

  • If you have not settled your claim within 3 years from when you first became aware of your injury you must ensure that Court proceedings are commenced to preserve your claim.

  • If you are under 18 years of age at the time you first became aware of your injuries, different limitation periods will apply depending on your age.

  • Claims for financial dependency, as a result of the death of a person upon which you were financially dependent, must be lodged within 3 years of the date of death.


Our website contains a brief summary of the information relating to the various limitation periods but is by no means exhaustive. It is recommended that you seek legal advice as soon as possible. Simply complete the ‘Getting Started’ e-form on this page or visit or phone your personal injury lawyer at Macquarie Legal.

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